Male and Female created He them.

You know the story. One human meets another human and through time they begin to love each other. The one proposes. The other accepts, and the date is set. Off they go for the union celebration and later a new human is brought unto them, who is nurtured, instructed and eventually leaves the first two, and the process starts again.  It’s been called multiplying the earth. After a period, the first two die leaving behind two generations related to the first.

Consider that the first two had 10 children and each of those had ten each, how many would be left after the first two died?  My math tells me there would 120 left in the family. Oh, how quickly the earth gets populated, and that’s just including the grandchildren of the first, perhaps just a 50-year period. Take it to the next generation.

God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply the earth.  And they did. Back in those days, many of the patriarchs lived a very long time according to our standards. Adam lived to be 930. Wow, how big did that family reunion become? All we are told is that after the birth of Seth, Adam was 130 years old and then Eve had sons and daughters. How many could that have been? 1 every 7 years. Only guess work. Say we cut him off at 800 years; 633 years left after Seth. Could have been 90. And then the possibility of twins in there somewhere. Just guess work since they did not leave a family album.

After Noah, the life spans of humans declined as this chart illustrates.

Life chart from Noah

Why the decline?

Well my hypothesis is that because of the disruption of the perfect garden, diseases slowly entered the genetics of humans altering the aging process.

And now, parents in the USA average 1.77 children.  China has been known to legally limit the number of children to just 1 per the female spouse. Will the process of multiplying the earth continue?

After the grandparents die, who and how many will be left to watch over and care for the next generation of grandparents? And the next? Many leaders and watchdogs promote the idea that the earth is over-populated causing a disruption in the eco-system because of the devastation these humans are causing the system, resulting in more deaths from hazardous chemicals and/or lack of sustaining chemicals. Therefore, you must limit the number of children being exposed to these changing environments even if it means destroying a fetus before it takes that first breath of air.

Do it, for the sake of the children.

But, if all limited the birth rate, then slowly there would be no one left to perform surgeries, to stock the shelves, to entertain, to educate, to tell us what happened yesterday, no one left to shovel the snow in the driveway, and on and on it goes, nothing left but dead battery robots.