Sexual impropriety

The news is abuzz of sexual impropriety from celebrities, show hosts, politicians, leaders here and there. What’s going on? Back in the days of the 50’s and 60’s, even while youngsters were enjoying the hippie clan of live happy and high, the news did not highlight the problems that sexual freedom was rampantly exploding like a hurricane destroying lives, families and reputations as it is now. Then sexual promiscuity was a matter to be kept behind closed doors.

So, perhaps it is time to let it all out folks. Tell it like it is. We like sex.

The human being enjoys sex here and there. Playboy came along and beautifully portrayed women as objects for males to use to satisfy their lusts. Hollywood installed the red carpets to portray women in scanty drapery with body curvatures to admire as the actresses enjoyed the spotlight furthering their career. The movies explicitly moved the act into our living rooms as we watched ‘in horror’ that they would show such for our teens and youngsters to watch.

Time to tell it like it is. We like entertainment.

We like to comfortably relax, and watch others play make believe, and they do it well, being paid tremendously for negating any morality they may have had before entering the business. Ah, it’s just make-believe. And we go on with our daily business at hand. Did you see the latest, is the talk at the coffee station?

But we know that there are consequences to our actions.  To whom do you put you trust? The celebrities, the media, the politicians we can see and hear, or the words of the creator God we cannot see or hear except for that still small voice within our spiritual conscious: “don’t do that.”

“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth . . .” Genesis 1:28

Well we sure have multiplied. Since the Lord God created us in His image, then there is that image floating around each of us ready and willing to . . . . ah, multiply our sensual feelings. Imagine if that finality of the sexual act was not enjoyable, but just a routine function of a physical activity that did not have an enjoyable part to it. Would we shy away from it? Would we consider it a difficulty to avoid? Would we have multiplied the earth?

Do we even think about the consequences? Not just the repercussions from mates, the family, the children, the bosses, the media, the left or right politically, but the final consequence coming after that last breath of air.

Oh, but that’s a myth? Nothing to worry about there? We can’t see it or hear it or touch it on the buttocks, so it can’t be real.

No, God created that sexual act as enjoyable so that we would multiply. And God also provided some rules to go along with it.

Genesis 2:24 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers.

Perhaps our churches should get back to the Hell-Fire and Brimstone preaching such as The sermon of Jonathan Edwards in 1741, entitled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”.  “There are in the souls of wicked men those hellish principles reigning, that would presently kindle and flame out into hell-fire, if it were not for God’s restraints. There is laid in the very nature of carnal men, a foundation for the torments of hell. There are those corrupt principles, in reigning power in them, and in full possession of them, that are seeds of hell-fire.”

A long read, but wow, if the majority of weekly sermons would be similar to that of Edwards, how it would affect our comfortable lives?


 It’s time we start getting real about the judgment of God. (Flickr/Creative Commons)


From CharismaNews 2015. By John Burton.

“We need a fresh wave of great awakeners—those who will unapologetically preach hell-fire in today’s dire end times.

To the shame of much of today’s church there has been a firm and steadfast rejection of any truth that doesn’t result in people feeling happy affection for God.”   Read more . . .

The Commandments Part 6

As I wrote in the first part, the owner, the creator of a company has certain rights over the workers employed under his rule. The workers are pleased to have been selected. They wish to please the owner, so they diligently pursue their assigned tasks wanting to impress and be considered for a promotion. To achieve that, they know the rules should be followed, must be followed, or a dismissal of being fired.


The owner of this venture called for a meeting this afternoon after the storm had passed over the mountain top.

“Moses, it’s good to see you. I see you’ve brought a couple big pieces of stone with you.”

“Yes sir, just as you requested.”

“Thanks, now I’ll carve these rules in stone so they can’t be set ablaze as they could be if put on papyrus.”

Moses holds the tablets tight against his chest, as the finger of the creator starts carving. the tip of the finger burning hot engraving each letter a half inch into the granite. Finishing the first eight, the owner stops.

“When these are finished, I desire that you place them at the court hall to be viewed by all.


“Now before I finish this project, I need to explain these last two rules. This is our last physical meeting together until the son has his designated time among you reconciling all things unto himself, providing a way of redemption for all. The faithful will meet again in different surroundings.  These last two rules should cover it. No more except the round-up conclusion. Here they are:

  • Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
  • Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s house, thy neighbor’s wife nor his manservant, nor his ox, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.

“In case questions arise, I will explain further.  They are both lies, deceits. When one bears a false testimony, he’s stealing by denying the truth. But the truth cannot be killed. It can only be covered up by lies and deceit.

And oh how dishonorable it is to want something so bad you’ll do anything to get it, even lying to yourself. These two last rules state the relationship to stealing, murder and committing adultery.  When one covets something he does not have, the focus is changed to gratify the physical possession, which necessitates a change in the process of achievement.

“How far will you go to get what your neighbor has?  His wife is his partner unto death, not yours. Don’t even think about it. You’ll be killing three friendships, plus the trust they have put in you. He’s got people doing his gardening and repairing the dwelling. He’s got a state of the art set of wheels. He’s got goats and sheep in that big barn of his. He plays games riding his camel. He comes near shouting in your face: ‘wow, what fun’, while you sit on that rocker and watch, wishing and desiring those things. Day after day they are paraded before you.

“Get to work and all these can be added to you.”

“Your forefather was deceived in the same way. Don’t let that happen to you.”

“These words as etched in stone convey the laws.”

“Moses, now you must post the stone tablets where everyone will see.”

ten commandments 3

“You can easily explain all of these 10 commandments with this easy to remember saying that the son will expound on further when he visits summarized by this:”

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets”.

The commandments Part 5

As in my previous hallucinations? of the creator God appearing in our vision as the owner, the developer of this company, is now discussing the commandments.

The Lord God starts:

“And now my partners here we are gathered together again, this time it seemed right to venture alongside the garden. This garden is protected territory, but you can still partially view and smell the aroma, although your view and smell is foggy.  It’s partially left here as a reminder.

I will be speaking this morning  about something that shatters many a men in their quest for temporary satisfaction. Have you thought about why that union between a male and a female is so enjoyable? As the creator,  I could have done it differently when your body was finalized for use, and later wish I  had, as your ability to sensualize that act became a goal and more devilish than intended. How physically exhaustive it was, it may have led to less and less new ones being born as you shy away from physical tasks. Yet, it is very satisfying, so you want more and more.  Would you rather relax and just think about it, perhaps watch others?  Don’t even think about that. That’s desiring to know evil. That’s why this garden has been declared off limits.

The object of this lesson is to get into your deep consciousness that it is not okay for you to seek satisfaction with anyone else other than your wife. Nope, nobody else; not a friend, not an old classmate, not your neighbor, not a stranger, not a sister or your mother, and, oooh, icky, not your brother either.  No. Never. Don’t even think about it. Your features were not designed for that, so forget it.  You don’t want to get fired because of a half-hour, an hour of fun, do you?

“Thou shalt not commit Adultery” is rule number 7.

Your wife is precious and loving, sacrificing much to make you happy. Why else would you choose her? For inheritance? Get real. For beauty? That’s not all a woman is endowed with.  Did you marry her to cook and wash your dirt, clean up your messes and provide for you?  Get off your butt. Did you marry her because a deep forgiving enduring love developed?  If so, then that love will last.

You made a vow upon your marriage: to love and to honor, in riches or poverty, in sickness and in health to death do you part. So, keep that pledge and that intimate relationship will blossom into beautiful bouquets: children, and then grandchildren, to whom your innate genes are passed down, as was said before what goes around comes around.

Okay?  You got it?  Good.  You vow unto me that you will obey #7.


Just two more rules coming up later today, so back to work until then.

Thanks Giving

This Thanksgiving day, I give  thanks for those way back in history who recoded their events and thoughts by engravings on the walls of caves, on papyrus, the invention of paper, the typewriter, newspapers and books, the Bible so that now we have records to read and understand more fully our heritage. For William Bradford coming up with the idea of private property and control leading the way to that great experiment of personal liberty and prosperity for all: our constitution.



Happy Holidays

Here we are, Thanksgiving 2017 is fast approaching. And then Christmas. The stores are overloaded with all the ingredients for a happy thanksgiving and Merry X-mas. The commercials are humming. TV’s a glittering with weather updates for anywhere. News shows the airports jammed, shows us the latest crime scenes, where the detours are, so beware folks, but have a happy thanksgiving and merry whatever anyway.

first-thanksgiving painting

Painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930)

Huh? Happy Holidays. Gads. The pressure. Family gatherings. Trips. Be Happy. Be thankful, Macy’s having a parade. Keep the kiddies busy. Pies to bake. Get the stuff down from the attic. Cooking or going out, yeah, let’s go out. It’s too much. Where are those pills.

How can anyone be happy with all this bombarding us in front of our face and behind our back?

And yet, we do provide a happy face.

Do we take time to reflect, to think of the What, the Who, the Where and When all this holiday season started and Why.

Some parts of the world are not so joyful this time of year, so why are we? Yes, it’s our American heritage dedicated to individual freedoms over and above that of kings and queens, presidents and magistrates. “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” But are we about to lose all that as society appears to be elevating self-gratification over virtuousness.

George Washington wrote, “Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people.”

Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”

Patrick Henry said, “A vitiated [impious] state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom.”

Virtue as defined by Webster is:

  1. .moral excellence; goodness; righteousness.
  2.  conformity of one’s life and conduct to moral and ethical principles; uprightness; rectitude.
  3. .chastity; virginity: to lose one’s virtue.
  4. .a particular moral excellence.
  5. . a good or admirable quality or property: the virtue of knowing one’s weaknesses.

Philippians 4:8 (KJV)

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


I’m always interested in your comments.

The Commandments, Part four.

Again, as a layman I’m taking liberties by composing my imaginative thoughts, so give me some leeway. Read on . . . . as the owner, the creator of the company addresses the working partners.

“Partners in this endeavor, I’ve called you all together this Monday morning to inform you of 2 other rules you must follow. The first simply says: “Thou shalt not murder.” The second is related: “Thou shalt not steal.” If you murder someone you are stealing his life, and that’s not okay. To steal, to take for your own anything whatsoever of your neighbor or any other fellow human is not right. Got it? Don’t do it. It’s theft.

Understand this, the meaning of murder in your language says: “the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice and forthought.  You thought it, you planned to steal the life of another. Don’t do it. It’s murder.

There are strict laws against murder. It’s called a crime?  Your society added the notion that it’s a crime which your society punishes, sometimes with death. Sometimes with confinement for the rest of your physical life. Don’t waste that one life you’ve been given.

Partners, you easily forget that my foresight and my position as Lord of all, I see all and when I look upon this earth, I do not see political boundaries drawn in the sand, I do not see one tribe without seeing all the other tribes. One race of people moving from dust to dust. I have signaled the beginning and I will signal the ending. I see beyond your skin into the deepest part of your soul knowing your past, your inner being and your future. You do not have that ability as your earthly body is relegated to the laws of gravity. I see that future generations, stipulations of your circumstances will be added to my basic simple to understand rule: “do no murder, do not steal.”

“As you’re all seated in front of me, I can see it in some of your expressions as you wonder: well, what about wars? What about defending myself or my family from the attacks from others? Don’t I have the right to defend myself, my family, my community? What about abortions?”

“Abortions Huh? What about it? Here’s what; when the sperm of the male entered the egg of the woman from then on life was developing. You can’t see it, but I the Lord see a new life being created.

My word says: “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” and “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed.” Back to basics. Remember what was put before you earlier: what goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. So, put this in your spirit as it will come to pass later: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you’d all do that, there’d be no wars. If you’d all obey these rules there’d be no wars, no disputes, no arguments.”

And no bonfires. That’s another story of how, when and who.

“Cooperation by all benefits all.”

“The rest of my rules will come as the days pass. Now, get to work.”

Identity crisis.

Going back, way back in history people dressed in long garments draped around their bodies to hide their nakedness. Yet, from the images we’ve seen there was still minute differences between the way the sexes cloaked themselves. Men could identify a lady and ladies knew the men. It’s been that way ever since, with slowly evolving differences as people discovered new technologies such as sheering a sheep, skinning a buffalo, gathering cotton, stringing silk, knitting, sewing, fabric blending, patching and shaping with starch and hot irons. And here we are thousands of years later still changing our customs of dress between the two sexes.

Throughout these years there has been one and only difference that has been from the beginning: hiding the differences in the nakedness of the sexes: it’s in the DNA, in the genes, in the easily recognized physical characteristics recognized at birth.

But now segments of society wish to change it all starting with “cloaks of identity”.

“Teachers in the church’s 4,700 schools throughout the U.K. are advised not to enable children to “conform” to traditional male/female “stereotypes.” Young children “are in a ‘trying on’ stage of life … so no labels need to be fixed,” the church document states.

“Practically speaking, the ecclesial guidelines say boys “may choose the tutu, princess’ tiara and heels,” and girls may wear “the fireman’s helmet, toolbelt and superhero cloak.”

Church of England encourages children to explore

This trend is also expanding here in the US of A and elsewhere. Is that all there is to this cultural newbie? Where is it heading?  Imagine 50 years from now, 1000 years in the future; what will distinguish us one from the other?

Will girls be able to identify a guy that looks handsome and cute getting interested in knowing this dude. Will the dudes get that immediate attraction impulse seeing a lady across the room?  Will the dating game get scary, not knowing for sure that the dude across the table from you is a real physical man?

The second date could be at the swimming pool or the beach and see the near nakedness of modern day swimsuits, or would that change too?


Read. Leviticus 20.  1Corinthians 6:9

The Commandments, Part 3.

The owner, the creator of this domain gathers the partners together with the stone tablet in front of him as he points to number 5 reading it slowly: “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12 kjv

“To all my partners, this rule should be an easy one for each of you to follow. Without your father and mother, you wouldn’t be here. There would be no Jim, no John, no Mary or a Louise. Your first appearance was a welcoming sight. You were nurtured, taken care of as at first all you could do was smile, cry, fumble around babbling away.

pexels-photo-377041 baby

You learned how to walk, run and talk; you responded to their teachings, learned so much, so quickly that they began to fear for your safety. You have some remembrances of those early years, but not much. They sacrificed so much for you. You’ve been provided with an inner desire to explore and at times that spirit, because it was not yet in tune scared your parents and they corrected you. They hoped you’d connect the consequences of actions as they guided you along on your journey to becoming a self- guided partner in this endeavor when that time came for you to repeat the process: Jim with Mary, Joe with Louise.

“Yes, they deserve your honor; you must esteem them worthy of your praise so that your days will receive that same honor and praise from those you bring into this world. It’s part of this circle of what goes around comes around; reaping what is sown.”

Photo by joel carter from Pexels